Monday, October 11, 2010

Why Can't I Find a Job??

Finding a job in today's economy is becoming worse than finding a good prize in a cracker jack box. Job applications are becoming harder to figure out and frustrations over finding good job candiadates are becoming more and more tiresome. 

So how do we fix this dilemma? According to CNN Money the reason for the mass of unemployed workers is not because of the lack of jobs it is because of the amount of unqualified workers. There is an apparent mismatch when it comes to finding good candidates to fill up the jobs to make the unemployment rate go down. Currently the US unemployment rate is 9.2% and should have gone down months ago. 

Also according to CNN Money the unemployment rate is also due to the housing market. Because of the major foreclosure wave many homeowners cannot leave their homes before completely selling it which means a potential good candidate cannot make a move due to their housing payments and responsibilities.

At this time the easiest way to a better situation would be to invest in yourself. Education can lead to many more opportunities as well as Personal Branding. Become a shining star wherever you go and continue to network and know your worth. 

This dilemma is not forever!

How can one recover from not having a job for months? Share your story.....

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