Tuesday, October 19, 2010

How to Climb the Corporate Ladder

Its easy to say just "try" harder and you will benefit from having a successful career. But honestly most people don't even know the fundamentals of obtaining a successful start that lead to a rewarding career path.

Properly outlining your 'likes' or 'dislikes' is a concrete start. Finding out what your niche is can help steer you into a better direction.

Climbing the corporate ladder begins and ends with you, only. The best way to learn about how to climb effectively comes from people who have already been there. Ask someone who knows the ropes to become a mentor to you so you can reach your goals as well.

**If you have no one to ask then I will tell you.

1. Focus on being positive

Find something unique about the position you have. Do not force yourself to pick something and fall in love with it. Being positive oozes with benefits. From smiling at a manager to speaking up in a meeting about your thoughts will positively impact your career and leadership potential.

2. Your Network is your Net-worth

Keep not only positive individuals in your circle but those who are actually doing something with their lives. If you are around people that are not involved or care about where their life is headed. That is an opportunity for disaster. In order for you to grow and prosper you must evaluate yourself as well as your association with others.

3. Networking

Every day of every minute is an opportunity to network with others. While in line at Starbucks to sitting next to a stranger at a park, there are thousands of people loathing the globe. That means there are more opportunities than ever to network. To network with individuals that have like interests take a look at meetup.com to find groups or individuals who are interested in networking about the same hobbies, careers, etc. And as always Google is your friend.

4. Keep learning

Although you may have or may have not went to college you must always learn something new. Begin attending a seminar, webinar or conference that your interested in for hobbies or are work related. It doesn't matter what job or career goal you have learning more about your craft will parachute you to new heights. Most people remain satisfied with their current status at work. You have the chance to sky rocket by learning new & innovative ways to improve not only yourself but your employer. That is an A+

Start today by creating an outline of your goals and initiatives and soon you will be a corporate leader or boss. Just send some credits my way when you make it! :)

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