The keys to success are easier to obtain then you may think. 90% of the time the only thing holding you back from obtaining the success you deserve is yourself. If you don't realize your own self worth or potential, no one else will.
The keys to success begin from within. You must believe in your self worth.
Okay..... enough with the mushy stuff on with the business.
*I'm going to use the STAR method to describe how to reach success. If you don't know what the STAR method is.... look here.
Step 1:
Situation: You want to reach success but don't really know how to maximize your own value.
Step 2:
Task: Begin outlining what it is you would like to succeed at. What is your overall goal? Outline the steps so you can SEE what it is your after.
Sometimes seeing things in black and white send triggers to your brain. (No they don't actually but its a nice thought).
Step 3:
Action: You can now utilize your outline for your goal as a guide. Analyze and ask yourself.... "how can I reach this goal"?
Depending on what your goal is.... patience is a virtue! Understanding the simplicity or complexity of your goal is definitely in order. For example, if your goal is to retire early that means making the right investment choices such as 401K or even Roth IRA, CD's or Interest Savings accounts. If you want to know more about investments please visit my friend at Motley Fool.
Your plan of action is a pivotal step and must be done with confidence. If you don't know something then ask! If you have no one to ask just ask here at Job Ladder! We are here to help people get off their butts and back into the workforce. Our connections here are extensive. Try us out!
Step 4:
Result: Because you worked your butt off in Step 3 the results should impress you. Getting to a results step is NOT overnight. You must be dedicated to achieving your goals. You MUST work for what you want.
Results that come quick may or may not be beneficial to you.
**For more on growth and branding yourself in the job market view the post here.
"Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning". ~Benjamin Franklin
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