Reader Email:
Subject: Its Been 10 Months and I'm Still Out of Work!
I am writing this email to you because I have ran out of options.
My life has taken a downward spiral because of me being laid off about 10 months ago. I have been on numerous interviews but nothing seems to pan out. I have 3 children and I've been divorced for 2 years. It has been difficult to support my children with the money I receive from unemployment. I REALLY need to get back to work fast!
I'm writing this email because maybe there is something you may know that I don't and frankly I don't have any options and I haven't any shame.
What do I do now? I've exhausted options. How can I make my life a little better. Between money and getting a new job?
Thanks for your time.
Melanie W.
Chicago, IL
Job Ladder-Answer:
Hi Melanie,
Thanks for writing!
The economy is a lot better than what it used to be a year ago. That is the truth.
At this point if you own your home I would suggest downsizing if you can. If you cannot downsize by selling your home then rent your home out and move in with family or get an apartment. Don't worry about your kids having their own room. As long as they are with you and you love them that is all that matters. If your husband is still living ask if the kids can stay with him until you can get on your feet. (You didn't mention your relationship with him so this is an assumption).
As far as going on numerous interviews and nothing "panning out" I would like to know more about how you interview and what your resume looks like. Its hard to give advice without these proper materials in analyzing where the problem lies. I can set you up to have your resume reviewed and looked at for free! If you need clothing to help you get that new position we can help you with that as well!
Most companies today look for out-of-the-box thinkers and for those who initiate things. Take a look at
LinkedIn [dot] com for companies who are potentially hiring
here. Expand your ability to now brand yourself in whatever career path you desire. While looking for new positions. It is important to kind of put yourself out there when it comes to new employment. Today, it
is harder to look for good positions but you must look in places you would never think of. If your not as computer savvy go to your local library and ask someone for help.
Since it has been 10 months, employers that you interview with may ask why there is such a large gap. Use the post I wrote about gaps and employment
here to help guide your way in answering those types of questions.
Lastly, keep the hunger alive and try not to get discouraged. Send over any more information and I will do my best to help you.
-LJ at Job Ladder