So you have gaps in your Resume....
You finally got an interview from a company that you've been waiting to hear from for months. Now what? The gap in your resume needs to be explained, throughly in order for you to still stand a chance. Regardless of what the gap is for, laid off, fired, in jail, personal matter, WHATEVER the case you need a comfortable landing pad to give your reasoning.
Look at these two cases:
1. Gap Reason: Raising a Child with Disabilities
Last job: Information Technology Analyst
Arnold had to leave his job of 11 years to stay home with his wife to care for their son. Arnold worked for a software company that had contracts all across the globe. Arnold was out of work for 4 years. While leaving his job he focused most of his time and energy into his sons' development. As his son got older Arnold felt that his family needed the money and it was time to go back out into the job force. Arnold held 4 certifications in which they all were expired. Arnold took what little money he had and re-took all of the certifications while looking for a new position.
Arnold received a call back and a phone interview 5 months after he started applying. It was the only employer who had called him back to ask "why have you been out of the job force for so long"? Arnold replied, "I was taking care of my son. By taking care of him I learned a great deal of patience and the ability to problem solve quicker than I can blink. Because of this situation I have a new hunger for working and providing for my family and this position would certainly be the right foot in the right direction".
With an answer like that how can you lose? Notice he did not mention what was wrong with his son. When you mention specifics or give too much detail you will shy employers from hiring you. If Arnold told the hiring manager that his son had development problems (which upon assumption) could be ongoing, Arnold may never get a position because the employer would think Arnold would leave work again.
Be discrete!
2. Gap Reason: Laid Off
Last job: Wealth Management Rep
Monica received a phone call from a Hiring Manager at an
investment firm she was dying to work for. Monica has been laid off for 1
year and 5 months. Although she was laid off and it was NOT her fault.
Monica unfortunately suffered the consequence. She didn't start actively
searching for a position until 10 months AFTER she was laid off. She
had no idea how to explain why it took so long for her to find a
While Monica was on her hiatus she did a lot of reading
about the economy and always read the newspaper about stocks and other
thriving investments. In her interview she decided to engage her reading
efforts into the "conversation". "Although the job market is still
suffering I managed to keep track of current trends in money market and
shared accounts". ----Monica did the RIGHT thing by engaging an
appropriate and personal activity into the interview. At this point
Monica can go deeper into what she found and thought about the economy
and its specifics to keep the gap in her resume closed.
A blog about jobs, careers and lifestyle. The economy sucks, we are here to get your butt back in the workforce and stay there!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
Job Interview Jitters....
Ever feel jittery before an interview?
Its normal. Your anxiousness and nervousness is just a matter of you feeling unsure of doing your best. However, letting your nerves get the best of you can take a toll and alter your interviewing performance.
Practice the Top 10 Interview Questions to help you get prepared and get moving.
By practicing it will help ease your weariness and will cause you to think more clearly and less on the 'what if'. Many interviewers can sense your nervousness so instead of making it obvious take some time out for your self and practice breathing and what questions will most likely be asked.
**Know after the interview that you did your best. If you don't think you did, go back over what you could have done better and knock it out on another interview!
Remain hopeful and happy and you will definitely get a job!
What tips can you share to help others get over those jitters?
Its normal. Your anxiousness and nervousness is just a matter of you feeling unsure of doing your best. However, letting your nerves get the best of you can take a toll and alter your interviewing performance.
Practice the Top 10 Interview Questions to help you get prepared and get moving.
By practicing it will help ease your weariness and will cause you to think more clearly and less on the 'what if'. Many interviewers can sense your nervousness so instead of making it obvious take some time out for your self and practice breathing and what questions will most likely be asked.
**Know after the interview that you did your best. If you don't think you did, go back over what you could have done better and knock it out on another interview!
Remain hopeful and happy and you will definitely get a job!
What tips can you share to help others get over those jitters?
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Help! I Have Workplace Issues!

As long as you work and need to obtain income you will have some type of workplace issue or situation. It is inevitable to avoid. UNLESS you work for yourself and have zero employees BUT some of us don't have that luxury.
Workplace issues can create hostile environments and can lead to horrible reputation fumbles. Properly examining the core elements of the problem can lead to a positive environment. Ignoring workplace issues for a long period of time only lead to an overwhelming amount of grief.
Resolving workplace issues starts with all employees but if no one steps up to the plate YOU can begin the cycle.
Steps to Resolve Workplace Problems
1. Identify the Problem
Uncover what the important matters are so you and everyone else can move on. Once the problem is uncovered, work on the solutions and how to deal with future issues that are the same. Remain positive and focused only on the sole issue and anything slightly related to it.
2. Determine the size of the problem
Understanding how large or small the problem is will help you figure out who to talk to about it. If the problem is small and only deals with a certain group and may not effect others then speaking with a team leader or manager would be better suit. Larger issues on a bigger scale may involve Human Resources, etc. figure out the scope and size of the issue and move forward accordingly.
3. Documentation
To back up your claim you will need some type of documentation or facts. Write down or keep a log away from work or even in your PDA/ Smartphone to document certain events, etc. that led to the issue. Having these items will save time and future disagreements.
*Find more tips here
Have you ever had a workplace issue?
Need Energy in the Morning?
Sometimes getting a cup of coffee can be a headache. Long lines, dirty coffee pot, no sugar, these are all annoying and frustrating situations that can deter your day.
Finding an alternative to coffee that is ready to go when you are is your best bet. According to they have listed in no particular order, 10 energy drinks to help fuel and boost you through your day.
The ranking:
1. Rockstar Energy **
2. Monster**
4. 5-Hour Energy **
5. FRS Health Energy Drink
6. XS Energy Drink
7. Crunk Energy Drink **
8. Xylence Xenergy Drink
9. Bawls Energy Drink
10. Full Throttle Energy Drink **
** Indicates having tried the energy drink and liking it.
What energy drinks have you tried?
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
How to Climb the Corporate Ladder
Its easy to say just "try" harder and you will benefit from having a successful career. But honestly most people don't even know the fundamentals of obtaining a successful start that lead to a rewarding career path.
Properly outlining your 'likes' or 'dislikes' is a concrete start. Finding out what your niche is can help steer you into a better direction.
Climbing the corporate ladder begins and ends with you, only. The best way to learn about how to climb effectively comes from people who have already been there. Ask someone who knows the ropes to become a mentor to you so you can reach your goals as well.
**If you have no one to ask then I will tell you.
1. Focus on being positive
Find something unique about the position you have. Do not force yourself to pick something and fall in love with it. Being positive oozes with benefits. From smiling at a manager to speaking up in a meeting about your thoughts will positively impact your career and leadership potential.
2. Your Network is your Net-worth
Keep not only positive individuals in your circle but those who are actually doing something with their lives. If you are around people that are not involved or care about where their life is headed. That is an opportunity for disaster. In order for you to grow and prosper you must evaluate yourself as well as your association with others.
3. Networking
Every day of every minute is an opportunity to network with
others. While in line at Starbucks to sitting next to a stranger at a park, there
are thousands of people loathing the globe. That means there are more opportunities
than ever to network. To network with individuals that have like interests take
a look at to find groups or individuals who are interested in
networking about the same hobbies, careers, etc. And as always Google is your
4. Keep learning
Although you may have or may have not went to college you must always learn something new. Begin attending a seminar, webinar or conference that your interested in for hobbies or are work related. It doesn't matter what job or career goal you have learning more about your craft will parachute you to new heights. Most people remain satisfied with their current status at work. You have the chance to sky rocket by learning new & innovative ways to improve not only yourself but your employer. That is an A+
Start today by creating an outline of your goals and initiatives and soon you will be a corporate leader or boss. Just send some credits my way when you make it! :)
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Cliques in the Workplace
From group meetings to sitting at the lunch table. Cliques in the workplace are all over. Not getting involved or learning to adapt to this "game" could seriously injure your chance of job / career survival.
Oftentimes we think that along with a new job we have new responsibilities, new endeavors and new people to meet and engage with at work. Those co-workers could sever your chances of getting to the number 1 spot instantly by your non-outgoing and neglect to attend after hour functions and birthday gatherings.
Maintaining a healthy and "social" relationship with your co-workers is essential to your advancement. Believe it or not if you don't make yourself available enough to at least laugh at a funny joke in your cubicle or attend Johnny's birthday fiesta as well as your always by yourself because you feel you do not relate! *sigh* This could hurt your chances of either keeping your job or effect your chances of advancement with that specific employer.
Cliques stick together and help each other out even if you do the same type of work someone is bound to exceed and leave the pack behind. So rather be an outsider get in the game and play to win!
*Easier said then done? Try it. If not ask me questions I'll assist you.
What are YOUR thoughts. Are you in a clique at work?
Oftentimes we think that along with a new job we have new responsibilities, new endeavors and new people to meet and engage with at work. Those co-workers could sever your chances of getting to the number 1 spot instantly by your non-outgoing and neglect to attend after hour functions and birthday gatherings.
Maintaining a healthy and "social" relationship with your co-workers is essential to your advancement. Believe it or not if you don't make yourself available enough to at least laugh at a funny joke in your cubicle or attend Johnny's birthday fiesta as well as your always by yourself because you feel you do not relate! *sigh* This could hurt your chances of either keeping your job or effect your chances of advancement with that specific employer.
Cliques stick together and help each other out even if you do the same type of work someone is bound to exceed and leave the pack behind. So rather be an outsider get in the game and play to win!
*Easier said then done? Try it. If not ask me questions I'll assist you.
What are YOUR thoughts. Are you in a clique at work?
Monday, October 11, 2010
Why Can't I Find a Job??
Finding a job in today's economy is becoming worse than finding a good prize in a cracker jack box. Job applications are becoming harder to figure out and frustrations over finding good job candiadates are becoming more and more tiresome.
So how do we fix this dilemma? According to CNN Money the reason for the mass of unemployed workers is not because of the lack of jobs it is because of the amount of unqualified workers. There is an apparent mismatch when it comes to finding good candidates to fill up the jobs to make the unemployment rate go down. Currently the US unemployment rate is 9.2% and should have gone down months ago.
Also according to CNN Money the unemployment rate is also due to the housing market. Because of the major foreclosure wave many homeowners cannot leave their homes before completely selling it which means a potential good candidate cannot make a move due to their housing payments and responsibilities.
At this time the easiest way to a better situation would be to invest in yourself. Education can lead to many more opportunities as well as Personal Branding. Become a shining star wherever you go and continue to network and know your worth.
This dilemma is not forever!
How can one recover from not having a job for months? Share your story.....
Friday, October 8, 2010
In order to receive this exclusive and free offer you must be over 18 years of age. You must comment and or "Like" posts both on Facebook and on this blog site. The winners must consistently make comments and or like posts to be considered in this free offer. The more participation the better for the potential winner. Sign up to comment on this blog site.
**Job Ladder reserves the right to withdraw this contest based on low participation**
As a winner you are responsible for obtaining your own position. Job Ladder is NOT responsible for you in not obtaining a position based on your free resume or loss of wages, time out of work for interviews based on recognition of your resume. Once resume is received you waive your right to hold Job Ladder responsible for any consequences or actions.
If you win this exclusive offer and obtain a position based off of the resume written on your behalf let us know how it worked out for you so we can highlight your achievement if you choose to do so.
This offer BEGINS as of today Friday October 8, 2010 and ENDS November 8, 2010 at 5pm. The 2 winners will be randomly selected, announced and notified as of November 12, 2010 at 10am.
Good Luck! :)
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Keeping your cool in the Workplace
Being cordial in the workplace is very essential to career. You don't have to like everyone you work with but you must certainly keep a work friendly relationship. Sometimes frustrations in our personal lives can spew over while at work. Arguing, yelling, etc. are absolute ways to have you receive your pink slip. Take control of yourself and be mindful that someone is always watching you no matter what position you have or where your located. Always be at your best.
Here are some tips to help you keep your cool in the workplace:
1. Take a Break
Sometimes being cooped up in your cubicle is not the best thing. Take a walk or short drive somewhere just to clear your head and get away from whats bothering you. Come back, refocus and smile. Nothing in life is worth so much haste.
2. Talk About It
Having a close friend or family member is key for things like this. Walk somewhere that may have a bit of privacy and discuss what is bothering you. Not talking to anyone when a problem occurs will only be fuel to the fire later on. Never take out your problems on others.
3. Write
Write about your problem if you can't speak to someone right away. Write until you feel better. Writing is therapeutic and will help you to focus on what is truly bothering you. Create a journal just for yourself of everything that bothers you or only things that happen at work. Your journal could unlock patterns you never knew you had or occurred from others.
How would you handle a disagreement at work?
Monday, October 4, 2010
The Pink Slip: Your FIRED!
Being fired and laid off are both devastating and tragic. Whether you knew the inevitable was coming or not, it is still unfortunate.
The best thing for you to do after being fired or even laid
off is to take a break. Yes you may be pressed for cash but take a 2 or 3 day
break just to cool off. That break gives you a chance to think about why you
were let go and what you could do better with the next position. This may be
easier said then done but you must take time for yourself to figure out new
Once you feel better after day 3 begin your search online,
in newspapers and on your social network (s) (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter) to find
leads to jobs that fit your expertise. Also try Careerbuilder and Monster. As of
today I am finding that more people who are unemployed are getting positions
through social networking sites. Because of this new endeavor Personal Branding
is one of the fastest and easiest ways to get hired, again and again.To understand personal branding visit my post here.
The best points when losing a job is to learn from the
experience, remain hungry, remain hopeful, and remain happy. Once again, this
may sound easier said then done but there are a lot of opportunities. If your
in desperate need of money I suggest being humble and taking a position that is
easy to get for the moment. I also suggest going to as many temp agencies as
possible. You will be worn out from searching, interviewing, the phone ringing,
and stress for the first month or couple of months. The key is to be persistent and
never give up.
Answer these!
Were you ever let go from a position?
How did it make you
What did you do to overcome?
Friday, October 1, 2010
Surviving work past 2pm....
Usually around 2pm the body begins to lapse and is fatigued. Especially for those who are consistently sitting in front of a computer and at a desk. Inactivity can occur because of being uncomfortable or dehydrated.
Here are some tips to help you get through your work day and maintain your after work plans without going home and taking a nap.
1) Get up Get moving
Get up very 30-40 mins from your desk to walk around or go to the water cooler. If you don't have the opportunity to walk around go to the bathroom and use lukewarm water and splash it on your face THEN use cold water and splash it on your face. This should slightly enerize you. Do this approx 4 times while at work and you should feel great.
2) Light Snack
Its good to have a lite snack at work such as peanuts or almonds to keep you full and awake. The motion in chewing is enough to keep you alert. It also helps because nuts are low in calories so by lunch time you won't have the urge to pig out!
3) Stay Hydrated
Going back to number 1 the more hydrated (drink only water or light fruit drink) the more you have to go to the bathroom. Therefore you hit two birds with one stone.
4) Lite Exercise
Like #1 getting up and moving is great. If you have the advanatge of taking a brisk walk during lunch, do it! You will feel supurb once you get off at 5 o'clock.
5)Minty things
Having minty things such as mint candy, tea, gum or even hand lotion can help stay awake and revived. The minty scent wakes the brain up and opens your nasal passages. It also slightly attracts others to your cubicle...mingle....mingle....mingle
How Can You Save Your Job?
The average butt kissing could probably help save your job in this economy. But what about long term?
When feeling the pressure for competition (co-workers), personal stress and the need to just make more money, saving your job is important. The question is, how far will you go to both save your job and move ahead in your career?
Keeping your job or even the fear of losing it should not plague your mind. Moving ahead with your career is where your focus should be. Long term goals and job transition to roles with greater promise can have a significant return if applied correctly. Absorb as much as you possibly can from your current position and then quickly move on. Don't stay in a position where you will not receive significant growth, stability or happiness. The problems at work can follow you home and into your personal life.
You can exercise everyday, eat healthy, breathe in and out deeply but the mental anguish of going to a place where you know your not getting what you deserve is only a set-up for disaster.
Some tips on how to save your job:
1) Invest in yourself
Try and enhance your potential by attending courses that closely fit with your career goals. Brush up on your skills on the job by asking question and mingling with other co-workers. Certifications are also good (depending on your position) and save money instead of going for another degree.
2) Network
Networking and being outgoing are very important in moving up the ladder. Quiet and shy people won't make it far. People will remember you for how sociable you are, especially if you have something intelligent to say and are funny. Gain contact by attending networking events and other career and non-career events. This is also a good way for some personal branding. Everywhere is a networking opportunity, use it!
3) Irreplaceable you
Its hard to find good quality people that can both do quality work and are consistent. Remain that sparkle in the eye and try to exceed expectations regularly. Not only will you be irreplaceable you will be memorable for a raise or other incentives later on.
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