Working from home is a great opportunity for all indviduals. Whether an Entrepreneur, Consultant, Freelancer, etc. Nothing beats working at your own pace on your own time.
Some key elements to staying focused while working from home include:
-Working in a seperate room that is not as comfortable as a bedroom or lounge
-Staying focused on the tasks or to-do lists
-Stay connected to the outside world. You should be accessable for all those who need you by phone, email, or even social networking.
-Get good internet service. Although website dependability varies make sure your internet connection is top notch so you can handle multiple things at once, seamlessly.
-Be happy. As soon as working from home becomes more of a hindrance than happiness you may need to go back to a desk and or re-think career long-term options.
Do's when working from home**
1. Never abuse the opportunity
2. Be available
3. Actually do work
4. Track your hours on task
5. Stay on task